The Executive Dashboard provides both a high level overview of business performance, risks, and opportunities, as well as a tactical punch list for the team to ensure they remain proactive about the same.
This article outlines the components of the dashboard and how to customize it.
Definitions and calculations for the various components of the Executive Dashboard:
Engaged Accounts
This metric represents the number of total active customers that were engaged with you (client to vendor direction only) in that time period. Will also reflect filter options (not including time frame). Engaged days of silence per the Settings > Configurations > Insights settings (Account Dark).
Overall Revenue
The total revenue for all active accounts, or all accounts in the filtered view if filter options are applied.
Engaged Owners
Same applies from 'engaged accounts' explanation but this represents the primary account owners' (mapped in Settings > Configurations) engagement with their customers.
Standard industry calculations for both (see below) and responsive to the time period filter set.
NRR = (Starting MRR + Expansion MRR - Downgrade MRR - Churned MRR) / Starting MRR
GRR = (Starting MRR - Churn MRR - Downgrade MRR) / Starting MRR
Required dependencies for accurate GRR/NRR output:
Accurate and up to date renewal and revenue numbers
Ensure correct 'ARR/MRR' revenue setting is checked in Staircase Settings > Configurations > General
Options best practice for accurate GRR/NRR output = maintaining churned accounts in Staircase for up to 6-12 months.
Note: If an account is present in the starting period being assessed but no longer in Staircase at the end period of what is being assessed, Staircase will trim that account out of the calculation.
Additional note: Staircase will understand downsell and expansion from the pre and post renewal ARR values.
{Company Name} Team Response Time
Represents your team's average response time based on filter options selected (time period and group of users assessed).
Activity Widget
Toggle between activity (total activity bi-directional), team effort (hrs), health score, and sentiment score to see trend and volume over time (based on time filters) by tier.
Revenue by Health Score
Choose between 'revenue' and 'number of accounts' to see the current distribution of Staircase AI health scores across active customer accounts.
Revenue at Risk
Choose between 'revenue' and 'number of accounts' to see the current distribution between accounts/revenue with identified risk versus non currently detected (red (risk) v green (no risk id'ed).
OOTB Risk/Opportunity Cards or "buckets"
Definitions for each card below. Ability to 'acknowledge' an account(s) in relevant cards by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of each card. Acknowledging an account will remove them from the card and revenue count.
Accounts Dark
Represents dark accounts (no engagement) from client to vendor direction. Days of silence thresholds can be configured by any admin user in the Settings > Configurations > Insights section.
No Renewal Discussion
Represents accounts currently in a renewal window (set in insights configurations) that have not yet had a renewal conversation started (on the channels Staircase can see).
No Reach-Out to Account
Other side of 'Accounts Dark'. This represents the direction of your team to client. So customers who haven't heard from your team in awhile (days of silence configured in insights settings).
Account Negative Sentiment/Issues Detected
Accounts whose current sentiment score is red (negative).
Churn Detected
Represents accounts who have sent in an explicit notice of termination.
Churn Risk Detected
Represents accounts who have sent in a communication that hints at the potential risk of churn (looking at your competitors, not seeing enough value, consolidating our tech stack, cutting budget, etc.).
Account in not Multi-Threaded
Accounts that don't have at least two team members talking to at least two customer stakeholders. A relationship in Staircase is defined at two people having at least 3 exchanges within the past 90 days.
Account with Positive Health Score
Accounts with a currently positive (green) Staircase AI health score.
Recent Renewals
Accounts that have recently renewed (Staircase sets a renewal event anytime the renewal is updated in the CRM).
There are a few ways you can customize the Executive Dashboard:
Edit the existing OOTB Executive Dashboard view (this is your admin dashboard view and will be the same for all users who have access to Staircase).
2. Create a new dashboard (option to keep private or share with other users)
Filters are sticky per user/per dashboard