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Amazon S3

Share data with Staircase AI via an Amazon S3 Bucket

Written by Kate Neal
Updated over a week ago

Share regular csv files with Staircase AI through an Amazon S3 Bucket by following the steps below.


Create an Amazon S3 bucket where you will upload CSVs. Make this S3 bucket private and create a dedicated IAM user who has access to it. Take note of the user’s Access Key ID and Secret Access Key when you are ready to set up your Amazon S3 Integration in Staircase AI.

This is the IAM policy you'll need to set so that we can have proper access to the bucket:


"Version": "2012-10-17",

"Statement": [


"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": "s3:GetObject",

"Resource": [






"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": "s3:GetBucketLocation",

"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::{bucket-name}"



"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",

"Resource": "*"




Make sure you replace the {bucket-name} value with the bucket name you chose.

Staircase AI supports one-to-one import of data around your customers. Whenever you upload new data, it will overwrite the old CSV file and you won't need to configure the integration for every file. Staircase AI synchronizes customer data every hour, so you will see fresh data quickly.

Additionally, the synchronization process is run whenever you update the field integrations. This way you don't need to wait for the next scheduled synchronization.

Step 1

Log into Staircase AI and click the cog symbol on the left-hand bar to open up the Integrations panel. Click the Amazon S3 card. Enter the IAM user’s credentials and click “Connect”.

Step 2

After the verification is complete, select your bucket from the drop-down list. Enter the path to the CSV file inside the bucket. Enter “Customer matching property name” and select “Customer matching type” from the drop-down list.

The “Customer matching property name” value means the name of the column in your CSV file which contains the customer identity. This value is mandatory to correlate rows with customers.

The “Customer matching type” indicates the identity type of the value from “Customer property name”. Staircase AI supports “Name”, “Domain” and “Crm id”.

Click “Update” to finish.

Step 3

Navigate to the “Customer fields” page and configure field integrations.

Example CSV

The below is an example of the CSV file:

Both “Domain” or “Name” could be selected as the “Customer matching property name”. Other columns can be mapped to customer fields.

A note: For historical data loading - add a date column to the file - the column name should be ‘date’ and the values in that column need to be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.

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